Sunday, May 10, 2009



1)     Carminative: -The Agent, which expels gases from G. I. tract, is known as carminative.

e. g. Fennel, Dill, Caraway

2)     Expectorant: - The drug / agent which increases Fluidity of cough & helps in easy removal of cough are known as expectorant.

e. g. Vasaka, Tolu-balsam, Benzoin.

3)     Purgative: - The drug which evacuate the bowl

e. g. Senna leaf, Castor oil,  Rhubarb.

4)     Laxative: - These are the purgatives, which have mild action.

e. g. senna

5)     Cathartic: - These are drastic purgative stools produced are watery in nature.

e.g. Castor oil, Rhubarb.

6)     Analgesic: - The drugs which relieves pain by acting on Central Nervous System. They are of two types

I)                    Narcotic Analgesics e. g. Opium

II)                   Antipyretic Analgesics e. g. Aconite

7)     Antipyretic Analgesics: - The drug, which reduces, elevated body temp.

e. g. Cinchona bark

8)     Diaphoretic: - Drug, which reduces, elevated body temperature by increasing rate of sweating.

e. g. Tulsi, Camphor Tulsi, Camphor

9)     Diuretic: - The drug, which increases rate of Formation & excretion of urine, is known as diuretic.

e. g. Tea, Buchu leaves

10) Emetic: - The drug which produces vomiting.

e. g. Mustard, Ipecac Senega.

11) Febrifuge: - The drug which reduces the body temperature.

12) Hypnotic: - The drug which produces sleep, like Natural sleep, is known as Hypnotic e. g. Opium

13) Sedative: - The drug, which lowers activity of any organ or central Nervous System, is known as sedative. (Tranquillizer.)


14)  Oxytocic: - The drug which causes contraction of uterus.

e. g. Ergot

15) Anthelmintic: - The drug, which kills or expels, worms from G. I. T.

e. g. Santonica flower, Chenopodium oil.

16) Appetizer: - The drug which increases desire for food

e. g. Cinchona, Nux-vomica.

17) Aphrodisiac: - An agent which stimulate sexual desire

e. g. lahsun.

18) Bitter: - Bitters are drugs having bitter taste, due to bitter taste they stimulate nerves and stimulate secretion of stomach and appetite.[S1] e.g. Cinchona, Nux vomica.

19) Counter irritant: - Counter irritant is a substance, which when applied is externally produces irritation. This irritation is mild in nature, this irritation reduce the original pain sensation.

e. g. Camphor, Turpentine oil, methyl salicylate.

20) Stomachic: - The drug, which increases secretion of gastric juice & function of stomach, digestion is known as stomachic   e. g. Fennel, Dill, Gentian.


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