Monday, May 11, 2009

Organized drug Unorganized drug

Difference between


Organized drug

Unorganized drug

1. Cellular structure present

1. cellular structure is absent

2. Organized drugs are part of plant, animal like, fruits, seeds, and roots.


2. Unorganized drugs are

Obtained from parts of plant & animal by extraction, distillation incision.; Expression

3. To study organized drug properly, there T. S. or L. C. is token & study under microscope.

3. For study of unorganized drug physical constituent like density, viscosity, refractive index, optical rotation & chemical test are important criteria

4. They are solid in nature

4. They are solid, semi solid, or liquied

5. Ex. Fennel, Dill,

5. Lemon oil, Starch, Catechu.




1. Gums are produced by plant when it in injured of diseased by a process " Gummosis"

1. Mucilage is the normal products of plant growth.

2. Gum is produced outside the plant cell.

2. Mucilage is produced inside the cell.

3. Gums are soluble in water to form adhesive solution.

3. Mucilage are not soluble in water, they form slimy solution with water.

4. Gums are made up of sugar, salts of uronic acid e.g. Gum acacia, gum Tragacanth gum.

4. Mucilage is made up of ester & Sulphuric acid. e. g. Mucilage is present in Agar, Senna, Isapgol.


Dried Juice: - The juices are obtained from fleshy leaves (aloes) or from stems of the trees (kino). In all cases, incisions are made to respective part of the plant and juices coming out juice collected and dried.


Latex is a product present in special tissue of plant it is white, aqueous, suspension, the suspended particles are protein, sugar, minerals, alkaloid, resin, starch. E.g. opium, papain, Gutta percha. The extract drugs are obtained by treating the part of plant with water or distillation e.g. Agar, black, catechu, gelatin